Native speaker needed …

My name is Paulo Santos (male, 62, married). I hold an IT degree from Unicarioca University (Rio de Janeiro), and I’m studying English-Portuguese Languages at UERJ (State University of Rio de Janeiro) since 2022/1. Eventually, you will see articles about physics and artificial intelligence on my websites under the nickname Hali Omani – this nick is a tribute to a character by Isaac Asimov, from the book “Nine Tomorrows” (the short story “Profession”). I love SciFi !I also admire the astronomer Carl Sagan and for this I´m “calling all stations”. I’m looking for a native speaker from Brooklyn, New York City. The goal is conversation. It’s the late Sagan’s neighborhood and it’s the accent I want to master.The idea is to find someone who wants to learn Portuguese language as spoken in the city of Rio de Janeiro, stay one week as you wish, free of charge, when visiting Rio and who wants to cooperate in establishing friendly ties between our cities. I live nearby (Teresópolis), in the mountains, not as hot as Rio de Janeiro city. There´s a wonderful national park here and we are only two hours away (by shuttle bus) from Rio.By the way, so that the reader doesn’t get confused, the city of Rio de Janeiro is in the state of Rio de Janeiro, ok? Candidates need to meet a few requirements:

  1. Over 18 years of age.
  2. As I said before, a Brooklin native speaker.
  3. Skill with videoconferencing via computer and smartphone (WhatsApp, Google Meet, Skype, Zoom, etc.).
  4. No criminal record (law enforcement fellows are welcome).
  5. Interest in learning and teaching languages and Linguistics.
  6. Availability of at least three hours a week for conferences.
  7. Interest in the Portuguese language and Brazilian culture.
  8. Absence of most religious, ethnic, cultural and gender prejudices.
  9. Respect for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  10. Being a “trekkie” and liking SciFi and Science is desirable, but not essential.
  11. Connection with the Jewish community is desirable but not essential.
  12. If you are studying portuguese language, it´s a plus.

If you are interested, please contact us by email: [ ].

Sê o primeiro

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